Cigar, referred to as Xì gà in Vietnamese, is considered a premium type of tobacco thanks to its own unique ingredients and production method.
Cigar is made from Cigar leaves which are dried, bundled, and tightly rolled into a whole piece of rolled cigarette. This rolling work is done meticulously by a manual method after the preliminary processing and refining of the leaves.
Unlike regular cigarettes with white rolling papers, Cigars are made by tightly rolling Cigar dried leaves with a typical dark brown color. The tobacco inside each piece of Cigar is kept pure to ensure the aroma and the original taste. Moreover, Cigars are also significantly bigger than common cigarettes.
At Dalliance Whiskey Cigar Bar inside Corona Resort & Casino, there are many premium types of cigars supplied by many different brands
Especially, from December 19, 2022 to January 22, 2023, when you buy any piece of Cigar of 500,000VND or more, you will get a complimentary glass of Cocktail, Beer, or Coffee.
Applicable place: Dalliance whiskey Cigar Bar
Corona Casino hopes this small gift will add more flavor when you enjoy a delicious piece of Cigar
For any question, please contact our hotline +84 297 222 8888 or email for more details